Vintage Repair Components
Don’t you just hate it when you’re repairing a piece of vintage gear and you seem to be forced into replacing an IC with one with a modern date code.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could replace it with one from the same era, maybe even the same manufacturer?
We are slowly publishing our list of vintage ICs for sale so you don’t have to compromise.
Every IC has been functionally tested with a Xgecu TL866-II unless marked with [-].
Most are NOS (New Old Stock). Some use the following codes to indicate their origin:
- [P] Pulled − Pulled from sockets
- [R] Reclaimed − Hand desoldered from circuit boards.
- [U] Used − Professionally removed from sockets or circuit boards. The pins are straight and refinished.
Texas Instruments ICs from this era are notorious for developing a black tarnish on the leads.
We do not remove this tarnish other than what is necessary for testing.
You should remove this tarnish before inserting into a socket or soldering into a circuit board.
Date codes before 1970 carry an extra premium, as do devices with gold leads.
Description | Part Number | Availability | Unit Price (USD) | Quantity | Ordering |
4024B, Motorola, MC14024B CP 7816, PDIP | 55-00000232 | 12 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7400, Fairchild, 7400 PC, 8141, PDIP, Singapore | 55-00000000 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7401, ITT, 7401 J, 7326, CDIP | 55-00000007 | 8 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7401, ITT, 7401N, 7329, PDIP | 55-00000008 | 14 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7401, Signetics, N7401A, 7217-7249, PDIP | 55-00000009 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7401, Texas Instruments, SN7401N, 6941, PDIP | 55-00000010 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7402, ITT, 7402N, 7331, PDIP | 55-00000012 | 3 in stock | $3.50 | | |
IC, 7402, Signetics, 7402N, 8006, PDIP | 55-00000013 | 2 in stock | $3.50 | | |
IC, 7402, Signetics, N7402A, 7441-7625, PDIP | 55-00000011 | 1 in stock | $3.50 | | |
IC, 7403, Texas Instruments, SN7403N, 7248, PDIP | 55-00000019 | 6 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7404, ITT, 7404 N, 7147-7208, PDIP | 55-00000030 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7404, Motorola, MC7404P, 7404, PDIP | 55-00000031 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7404, National, DM/SN7404N NS8004N, 7151-7204, PDIP | 55-00000033 | 4 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7404, Signetics, N7404A, 7325, PDIP | 55-00000032 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7404, Stewart Warner, SW7404N, 7328, PDIP | 55-00000034 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7404, Texas Instruments, SN7404N, 7038-7052, PDIP | 55-00000029 | 3 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7404, Texas Instruments, SN7404N, 7347-7410, PDIP | 55-00000027 | In stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7404, Texas Instruments, SN7404N, 7806, PDIP | 55-00000028 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7405, National, DM/SN7405N NS8005N, 145-205, PDIP | 55-00000037 | 3 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7405, Texas Instruments, SN7405N, 8018, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000035 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7406, National, DM/SN7406N NS8006N, 221, PDIP | 55-00000038 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7406, Texas Instruments, SN7406N, 7141A, PDIP | 55-00000040 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7406, Texas Instruments, SN7406N, 7340, PDIP | 55-00000039 | 3 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7408, ITT, 7408N, 7240-7331, PDIP | 55-00000045 | 7 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7408, Motorola, MC7408P, 7239, PDIP Gold Leads | 55-00000044 | 2 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 7408, Motorola, MC7408P, 7244, PDIP | 55-00000043 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7408, National, DM/SN7408N NS8008N, 221, PDIP | 55-00000046 | 3 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7408, Signetics, N7408A, 7247, PDIP | 55-00000047 | 6 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7410, Motorola, MC7410P, 7145, PDIP [R], Gold Leads | 55-00000058 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7410, Texas Instruments, SN7410, 7120-7203, PDIP | 55-00000057 | 3 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74107, Signetics, 74107A, 7541, PDIP | 55-00000155 | 2 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74121, National, DM74121N, 324, PDIP [-] | 55-00000157 | 1 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74123, Signetics, 74123 CY323 B, 7713, PDIP [-] | 55-00000161 | 1 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74123, Signetics, N74123B, 7141, PDIP [-] | 55-00000160 | 1 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74123, Stewart Warner, SW74123J, 7339, CDIP [-] | 55-00000159 | 1 in stock | $6.00 | | |
IC, 74150, Motorola, MC74150P, 7352, PDIP, Gold Leads | 55-00000172 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74154, Texas Instruments, SN74154N, 7740, PDIP | 55-00000176 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74156, Stewart Warner, SW74156N, 7348, PDIP | 55-00000179 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74157, AMD, SN74157N, 7733P, PDIP | 55-00000181 | 8 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74157, National, DM74157N 9322, 442, PDIP | 55-00000182 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7416, Texas Instruments, SN7416N, 7810, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000065 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74161, Fairchild, 74161 PC, 7624, PDIP [-] | 55-00000231 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74161, National, DM74161AN, 520, PDIP [-] | 55-00000229 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74161, Texas Instruments, SN74161N, 7615, PDIP [-] | 55-00000230 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74164, Fairchild, 93164/74164, PCF7420, PDIP | 55-00000191 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74165, National, DM74165N, 340, PDIP | 55-00000194 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7417, Texas Instruments, SN7417N, 7923, PDIP, Malaysia | 55-00000042 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74176, National, DM74176N, 428, PDIP | 55-00000199 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74177, National, DM74177N, 708, PDIP | 55-00000200 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74193, Stewart Warner, SW74193J, 7250, CDIP | 55-00000202 | 1 in stock | $8.00 | | |
IC, 74193, Texas Instruments, SN74193N, 7718, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000203 | 2 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74195, National, SM74195N, 440, PDIP | 55-00000205 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74195, Texas Instruments, SN74195N, 7545, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000206 | 2 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7420, National, DM8020N SN7420N, NS 51, PDIP, Gold Leads | 55-00000066 | 2 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 7420, Signetics, N7420A, 7137, PDIP | 55-00000067 | 7 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7425, Texas Instruments, SN7425N, 7209A-7237, PDIP | 55-00000076 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7427, Texas Instruments, SN7427N, 7131-7313, PDIP | 55-00000078 | In stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7428, Signetics, N7428A, 7417, PDIP | 55-00000080 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7430, National, DM/SN7430N NS8030N, 142-206, PDIP | 55-00000082 | 4 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7430, Texas Instruments, SN7430N, 7038A-7042A, PDIP | 55-00000083 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7432, ITT, 7432N, 7327-7331, PDIP | 55-00000087 | 3 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7432, National, DM/SN7432N NS8032N, 213, PDIP | 55-00000088 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7432, National, DM7432N, 244, PDIP | 55-00000089 | 4 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7432, Texas Instruments, SN7432N, 7418, PDIP | 55-00000090 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74367, National, DM74367N DM8097N, 939, PDIP | 55-00000222 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74367, Texas Instruments, SN74367N, 7806, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000223 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74368, Texas Instruments, SN74368N, 7623, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000224 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7437, ITT, 7437J, 7251, CDIP | 55-00000096 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7437, ITT, 7437N, 7312, PDIP | 55-00000095 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7437, Signetics, N7437A, 7150-7203, PDIP | 55-00000097 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7437, Stewart Warner, SW 7437N, 7315, PDIP | 55-00000099 | 3 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7437, Stewart Warner, SW 7437-N, 7401, PDIP | 55-00000098 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7437, Texas Instruments, SN7437N, 7139-7148, PDIP | 55-00000100 | 3 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7437, Texas Instruments, SN7437N, 7309, PDIP | 55-00000101 | 9 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7437, Texas Instruments, SN7437N, AHA7544 PDIP | 55-00000102 | 3 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7438, National, DM7438N, P8321A+, PDIP | 55-00000104 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74393, Texas Instruments, SN74393N, Z7736, PDIP, Brazil | 55-00000228 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7445, RIFA, RD7445N, R521, PDIP | 55-00000105 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7446, National, DM5446AJ, 505, CDIP | 55-00000106 | 2 in stock | $7.50 | | |
IC, 7451, National, DM/SN7451N 8051N, 227, PDIP | 55-00000108 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7451, Signetics, N7451A, 7303, PDIP | 55-00000109 | 10 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7451, Signetics, N7451A, 7313, PDIP | 55-00000110 | 15 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7451, Signetics, N7451A, 7401, PDIP | 55-00000111 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7451, Texas Instruments, SN7451N, 6933A-6936A, PDIP | 55-00000112 | 6 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7451, Texas Instruments, SN7451N, 7038A-7046A, PDIP | 55-00000113 | 3 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7472, Texas Instruments, SN7472N, 6707A, PDIP | 55-00000116 | 2 in stock | $15.00 | | |
IC, 7473, Signetics, N7473A, 6945, PDIP | 55-00000117 | 10 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7474, National, DM/SN7474N 8510N, 113, PDIP | 55-00000118 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7475, Motorola, MC7475P, 7307, PDIP, Gold Leads | 55-00000130 | 15 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 7475, National, DM7475N, 332-340, PDIP | 55-00000132 | 7 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7475, National, ULI7475N, 312, PDIP | 55-00000133 | 1 in stock | $2.00 | | |
IC, 7475, Signetics, N7475B, 7306-7336, PDIP | 55-00000128 | In stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7475, Stewart Warner, SW 7475-J, 7235, CDIP | 55-00000131 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7475, Teledyne, TF7475J, 7338, CDIP | 55-00000129 | In stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 7486, ITT, 7486N, 7319, PDIP | 55-00000139 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7486, Texas Instruments, SN7486N, AZ7645, PDIP, Brazil | 55-00000141 | 3 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 7489, AMD, P3101 SN7489N, 7346, PDIP | 55-00000143 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7489, National, DM7489N, 352, PDIP | 55-00000144 | 2 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7493, National, DM7493N, 448, PDIP | 55-00000145 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7493, Signetics, N7493A, 7051, PDIP [R] | 55-00000146 | 1 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 7493, Texas Instruments, SN7493AN, 7545, PDIP | 55-00000148 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7493, Texas Instruments, SN7493N, 7204A, PDIP | 55-00000147 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 7496, National, DM/SN7496N NS8572N, 121, PDIP | 55-00000153 | 2 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74F00, Fairchild, 74F00 PC, 8350, PDIP [R], Indonesia | 55-00000006 | 2 in stock | $2.00 | | |
IC, 74F00, Fairchild, 74F00 PC, 8350, PDIP, Indonesia | 55-00000001 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74F02, Fairchild, 74F02 PC, 8403, PDIP, Indonesia | 55-00000014 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74F04, Fairchild, 74F04 PC, 8416, PDIP, Indonesia | 55-00000023 | 4 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74F08, Fairchild, 74F08 PC, 8417, PDIP, Indonesia | 55-00000051 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74F10, Fairchild, 74F10 PC, 8343, PDIP, Indonesia | 55-00000052 | 4 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74F258, Fairchild, 74F258 PC, 8314, PDIP [R], Indonesia | 55-00000215 | 2 in stock | $4.50 | | |
IC, 74F32, Fairchild, 74F32 PC, 8352, PDIP [R], Indonesia | 55-00000091 | 1 in stock | $2.00 | | |
IC, 74F352, Fairchild, 74F352PC, 8224, PDIP, Indonesia | 55-00000221 | 3 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74F74, Fairchild, 74F74 PC, 8402, PDIP [R], Indonesia | 55-00000121 | 1 in stock | $2.00 | | |
IC, 74F74, Fairchild, 74F74 PC, 8440, PDIP, Indonesia | 55-00000122 | 3 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74H04, Texas Instruments, SN74H04N, 7345, PDIP | 55-00000024 | 3 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74H11, Motorola, MC3006P MC74H11P, 7203-7350, PDIP | 55-00000059 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74H11, Texas Instruments, SN74H11N, 7336, PDIP | 55-00000060 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74H21, Signetics, N74H20A, 7213, PDIP | 55-00000073 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74H54, Motorola, MC3033P (74H54N), 7106, PDIP, Gold Leads | 55-00000114 | 9 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74LS00, National, DM74LS00N, 931, PDIP | 55-00000003 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS00, Texas Instruments, SN74LS00N, 7736, PDIP | 55-00000002 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS02, Fairchild, 74LS02 PC, 7626-7927, PDIP, Indonesia | 55-00000015 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS02, Signetics, 74LS02N, 7625-7737, PDIP | 55-00000016 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS02, Texas Instruments, SN74LS02N, M 7528, PDIP | 55-00000017 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS04, Fairchild, 74LS04 DC, 8413A, W. Germany, CDIP | 55-00000233 | 3 in stock | $3.50 | | |
IC, 74LS04, National, DM74LS04N, 722-817, PDIP | 55-00000022 | 6 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS04, Texas Instruments, SN74LS04N, G7615, PDIP | 55-00000021 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS05, Motorola, SN74LS05N, I8233, Korea, PDIP | 55-00000234 | 6 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS08, Texas Instruments, SN74LS08N, 7806, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000050 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS10, National, DM74LS10, 704, PDIP | 55-00000056 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS10, Signetics, 3013505-00 74LS10, K7702, PDIP | 55-00000054 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS10, Texas Instruments, SN74LS10N, 7749, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000053 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS107, Texas Instruments, SN74LS107AN, 8723AR, Portugal, PDIP | 55-00000235 | 5 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS109, National, DM74LS109N, 014 *P, PDIP | 55-00000156 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS11, Texas Instruments, SN74LS11N, 7749-7936A, PDIP | 55-00000061 | 2 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS122, Texas Instruments, SN74LS122N, 7910, PDIP [-] | 55-00000158 | 1 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74LS123, Motorola, SN74LS123J, KKAZ8830, Korea, CDIP | 55-00000236 | 3 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS123, National, DM74LS123N, 811, PDIP [-] | 55-00000162 | 1 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74LS124, Texas Instruments, SN74LS124N, 7845X, PDIP [-], El Salvador | 55-00000163 | 4 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74LS124, Texas Instruments, SN74LS124N, M 7541, PDIP [-], Extra Hand-markings | 55-00000164 | 5 in stock | $2.00 | | |
IC, 74LS138, National, DM74LS138N, 706-707, PDIP | 55-00000168 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS138, Texas Instruments, SN74LS138N, 8018A, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000169 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS139, Texas Instruments, SN74LS139N, 7745, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000170 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS14, Fairchild, 74LS14 PC, 8320, PDIP [R], Singapore | 55-00000062 | 1 in stock | $2.00 | | |
IC, 74LS14, National, DM74LS14N, 721, PDIP | 55-00000063 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS151, Hitachi, HD74LS151P, 3C46, PDIP | 55-00000173 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS151, Texas Instruments, SN74LS151N, 8048X, PDIP | 55-00000174 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS153, Signetics, 74LS153N, 7710, PDIP | 55-00000175 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS155, Motorola, SN74LS155N, 7713, PDIP | 55-00000177 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS155, Texas Instruments, SN74LS155N, G7619-7818, PDIP | 55-00000178 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS156, National, DM74LS156N, 638, PDIP | 55-00000180 | 3 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS157, National, DM74LS157N, 720, PDIP | 55-00000183 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS157, Signetics, N74LS157B, 7620, PDIP | 55-00000184 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS161, National, DM74LS161N, 037P*, PDIP | 55-00000186 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS162, Texas Instruments, SN74LS162N, M 7632, PDIP, Malaysia | 55-00000187 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS163, Signetics, 74LS163AN, 7933, PDIP | 55-00000190 | 3 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS163, Texas Instruments, SN74LS163N, 7736, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000189 | 4 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS163, Texas Instruments, SN74LS163N, Z7710, PDIP, Brazil | 55-00000188 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS164, Texas Instruments, SN74LS164N, 7736, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000192 | 3 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS164, Texas Instruments, SN74LS164N, M7731, PDIP, Malaysia | 55-00000193 | 3 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS173, National, DM74LS173N, 550, PDIP | 55-00000195 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS174, Signetics, 74LS174N, 7724, PDIP | 55-00000196 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS175, National, DM74LS175N, P146*-P149*, PDIP | 55-00000198 | 2 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS193, Signetics, N74LS193B, 7632, PDIP | 55-00000204 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS195, Fairchild, 74LS195PC, 7709, PDIP, Indondesia | 55-00000209 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS195, Texas Instruments, SN74LS195AN, 7740-7801, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000207 | 5 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS195, Texas Instruments, SN74LS195AN, M7745, PDIP, Malaysia | 55-00000208 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS20, National, DM74LS20N, 728, PDIP | 55-00000068 | 4 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS20, Signetics, 74LS20N, 7751, PDIP | 55-00000069 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS20, Texas Instruments, SN74LS20N, AZ7536, PDIP | 55-00000070 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS21, Signetics, 74LS21N, 7746, PDIP | 55-00000074 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS21, Texas Instruments, SN74LS21N, 7740, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000075 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS241, Texas Instruments, SN74LS241N, P7801-P7814, PDIP, Singapore | 55-00000210 | 8 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74LS244, Fairchild, 74LS244 PC, 8408, Indonesia, PDIP | 55-00000237 | 5 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74LS244, National, DM74LS244N, B8147*, PDIP, Singapore | 55-00000211 | 1 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74LS258, Fairchild, 74LS258PC, 7748, PDIP [P], Indonesia | 55-00000213 | 2 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS258, Fairchild, 74LS258PC, 8243, PDIP, Indonesia | 55-00000214 | 2 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS258, NEC, µPB74LS258C, K87015-828, PDIP | 55-00000212 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS266, Texas Instruments, SN74LS266N, 7740, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000217 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS273, Texas Instruments, SN74LS273J, 7940, CDIP [R], Taiwan | 55-00000218 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS30, Fairchild, 9LS30 74LS30PC, 7624, PDIP | 55-00000084 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS30, National, DM74LS30N, 431-741, PDIP | 55-00000085 | 10 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS32, Motorola, SN74LS32N, 7809, PDIP | 55-00000094 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS32, National, DM74LS32N, 729, PDIP | 55-00000092 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS32, Texas Instruments, SN74LS32N, 7749, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000093 | 6 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS374, Texas Instruments, SN74LS374N, 4148, PDIP, Malaysia | 55-00000226 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS390, Texas Instruments, SN74LS390N, 327X, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000227 | 3 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS54, National, DM74LS54N, 707, PDIP | 55-00000115 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS74, Fujitsu, MB74LS74A, 8112 T12, PDIP | 55-00000123 | 5 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS74, National, DM74LS74N, 726-815, PDIP | 55-00000124 | 6 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS74, Texas Instruments, SN74LS74N, 7919A, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000125 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS75, National, DM74LS75N, 735 A+, PDIP | 55-00000135 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS75, Signetics, 74LS75F, 7807, CDIP | 55-00000134 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74LS83, Texas Instruments, SN74LS83AN, BZ7801, PDIP, Brazil | 55-00000137 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS86, ITT, 74LS86N, 7741, PDIP | 55-00000142 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74LS92, Texas Instruments, SN74LS92N, 7706, PDIP, Malayaia | 55-00000150 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS93, Signetics, 74LS93N, 7748, PDIP | 55-00000149 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS95, Signetics, 74LS95A, 7544, PDIP | 55-00000151 | 4 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS95, Signetics, 74LS95B, 7806, PDIP | 55-00000152 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LS96, Texas Instruments, SN74LS96N, 7814, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000154 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74LSS283, Hitachi, 74LS283N, 2G2 2-2G4 2, PDIP | 55-00000220 | 3 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74S00, Texas Instruments, SN74S00N, J549AJK AHA7801, PDIP | 55-00000004 | 2 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74S00, Transitron, TG74S00J, 7240, CDIP [R] | 55-00000005 | 2 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74S02, Signetics, 74S02N, 7714, PDIP | 55-00000018 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S04, Signetics, 74S04N, 7714, PDIP | 55-00000026 | 7 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S04, Texas Instruments, SN74S04N, 8022, PDIP, El Salvador | 55-00000025 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S08, Signetics, 74S08F, 7713, CDIP | 55-00000048 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74S08, Texas Instruments, SN74S08N, 7701, PDIP | 55-00000049 | 7 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S10, Signetics, 3013505-00 74S10N, 7713, PDIP | 55-00000055 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74S133, Signetics, 74S133N, 7712, PDIP | 55-00000165 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S133, Texas Instruments, SN74S133N, 340A, PDIP [R], El Salvador | 55-00000167 | 1 in stock | $2.00 | | |
IC, 74S133, Texas Instruments, SN74S133N, 7201, PDIP | 55-00000166 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S140, Fairchild, 74S140DC, 7805, CDIP, Korea | 55-00000171 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74S157, Signetics, 74S157N, 7713, PDIP | 55-00000185 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S174, Signetics, 74S174N CH407N, 7719, PDIP | 55-00000197 | 11 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74S182, Signetics, 74S182N, 7713, PDIP | 55-00000201 | 3 in stock | $4.00 | | |
IC, 74S20, Fairchild, 74S20/92S20DC, 7306, CDIP | 55-00000071 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74S20, National, DM74S20N, 245, PDIP | 55-00000072 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S260, Texas Instruments, SN74S260N, 340A, PDIP Malaysia | 55-00000216 | 2 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S280, Signetics, 74S280N, 7713, PDIP | 55-00000219 | 1 in stock | $5.00 | | |
IC, 74S30, Fairchild, 74S30/9S30 DC, 7529, CDIP | 55-00000086 | 1 in stock | $3.00 | | |
IC, 74S373, Texas Instruments, SN74S373N, 7832X, PDIP, Malaysia | 55-00000225 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S74, Texas Instruments, SN74S74N, 601FT, PDIP, Malayaia | 55-00000127 | 1 in stock | $2.50 | | |
IC, 74S74, Texas Instruments, SN74S74N, 7740, PDIP [R], El Salvador | 55-00000126 | 1 in stock | $2.00 | | |
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