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Korg BX-3 (Gen 1) Support Go back Analog Korg BX-3 circa 1980

This is Korg’s dual-manual version of the original Korg CX-3. It is literally two CX-3 organs in one case with the added feature of vibrato and chorus. It is distinguishable from the second-generation BX-3 because its drawbars are to the left of each manual. This keyboard is known by several aliases, analog BX-3, BX-3 v1, and BX-3.1.

Because the two manuals are independent of each other, there are a few things you can do with a BX-3 you cannot do on a Hammond B3. For example, you can select percussion on the lower manual, and you can tune the manuals independent of each other.


Visit our Facebook group for announcements, discussions, and more information about supporting the Korg BX-3.

We put a lot of time into creating, gathering, and organizing the information in this page. If you found any of this to be useful to you, especially if it helped you to make or save money, please  to help us continue making content like this available.

Recapping (Electrolytic Capacitor Replacement)

Parastream is pleased to offer complete aluminum electrolytic capacitor kits for the Korg BX-3. They include replacements for all aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Many organs have been plagued with leaking capacitors that eat PCB traces and cause all sorts of problems. Please note that these kits only include aluminum electrolytic capacitors as the other types such as mylar and polystyrene have proven to be very stable and have caused no problems to date.

Every electrolytic capacitor in these kits have a minimum endurance rating of 2,000 hours @85°C. For the non-EE, this translates to 11 years at 8 hours a day at normal temperatures under 40°C (100°F). This is what the capacitor manufacturers guarantee. In all probability you’ll do substantially better. The original specifications for the BX-3 was only 1,000 hours @ 85°C. Heat and humidity are the biggest killers of electrolytic capacitors, so avoid exposing your equipment (no matter who makes it) to temperature and humidity extremes. This is especially critical for storage. Due to the physics of aluminum electrolytic capacitors, the unpowered “shelf life” is far less than the powered “endurance.” Applying power to circuits containing these capacitors actually help to keep them healthy.

There is a kit for each circuit board. There is also a complete kit for the BX-3. Each circuit board kit comes with a color-coded circuit board layout and color-coded bags of capacitors. If you’re an average electronics DYIer, you can install these capacitor kits. Things can get a bit tricky if you have to repair circuit board trace damage if the old capacitors leaked electrolyte. If you don’t feel comfortable removing the boards and replacing components, consider having us or a local qualified technician perform the work.

Whole Organ Recap

Given the history of leaking electrolytic capacitors with this organ, and the organ’s age (in the 40s), we recommend replacing all the electrolytic capacitors with new ones unless they have been replaced within the past 10 years. You have three easy options from Parastream, listed from least to most cost.

Your first option is to purchase a capacitor kit for the whole organ and have your technician (or yourself) install it.

DescriptionPart NumberAvailabilityUnit Price (USD)Ordering
Electrolytic Capacitor Kit, Korg BX-3, Gen 192-9000050210 day lead time$88.06

Your second option is to ship the circuit boards to us and we will do the recap for you. Return shipping cost in included. Purchase the circuit board repair services for each circuit board below in the organ. Be sure to also include the capacitor replacement service for each board. To do the same thing with one click, click on this link to put all the items in the cart at once. Be sure to check the availability of the whole kit above. It will take you to the checkout immediately. To view the cart contents, click on the total amount at the top-right of the screen. If you decide not to go through with the purchase, you may cancel the entire cart.

Your third option is to ship the organ to us and we will do the recap for you. You must also pay for the return shipping cost. Purchase the capacitor replacement service for each circuit board below in the organ. At the end of the repair job, we will send you a PayPal request to cover the return shipping cost. To do the same thing with one click, click on this link to put all the items in the cart at once. Be sure to check the availability of the whole kit above. It will take you to the checkout immediately. To view the cart contents, click on the total amount at the top-right of the screen. If you decide not to go through with the purchase, you may cancel the entire cart.

Repair Services

For most repair situations, our service is a mail-in repair of one or more circuit boards inside the equipment. This is to get around the prohibitively expensive round-trip shipping that would otherwise be required. Typically, we work with your local technician. Sometimes, all your technician needs is a little direction from us. In other cases, they can remove the circuit board(s), send them to us, and replace them once they are returned from us. If you are versed in the basics of electronic repair, you can act as your own technician if you’re comfortable with that idea. At most, you may need a decent low-wattage soldering iron and a basic multimeter. If you would like for us to service the whole organ, you will need to arrange it with one of our service technicians using the Support request form.

The following services are for individual circuit boards inside the BX-3, and include return shipping. If you’re not certain what’s wrong, use the Support request form and we will help you. The most common approach is to purchase a circuit board repair service for each of the circuit boards you’d like for us to repair. These services will get your circuit boards into our shop and then back to you when they are diagnosed or repaired. This includes the initial checkout, diagnostic, and report, as well as final testing of any repairs.

Once you make your service purchases, carefully pack the circuit board(s) and send the box to the address in the Contact Us page. When we receive your shipping box, you will receive an email with an estimated starting date for your job. Repair services are performed in the order in which your shipping box arrives.

NOTE: If we do not receive your shipping box with 30 days, we will attempt to remind you to please send in your circuit board. If we do not receive it in 90 days, we will issue a refund for the purchase.

After we receive your main board and perform the initial evaluation, you’ll receive an estimate for what we believe it will take to repair the circuit boards. We work hard to catch every problem in the estimate, and we are successful in the vast majority of cases. Due to the complex nature of the circuitry in the organ, there may be other problems hiding behind what we found in the initial estimate.

NOTE: The estimate is good for 30 calendar days. If you do not respond within 30 days, we will make multiple attempts to contact you through all means you disclose to us (email, phone, etc.). If we still cannot reach you after an additional 15 calendar days, we will return your circuit boards to you.

If you choose to proceed, go to our website and order the services specified in the estimate. When we receive the order and payment, we will place your repair order in the queue for repair. Once the repairs have been performed and have passed all tests, they will be carefully packed and shipped back to you. Although exceedingly rare, the post-repair testing may find additional problems that need to be addressed. This situation can go one of two ways.

  1. Hopefully, we can identify what we believe will fix the circuit boards and give you a new estimate. If you decide to proceed with another round, order the indicated services. If you decide not to invest further in the organ, we understand. We can either return your circuit boards as they are, or refund the shipping portion of your initial repair purchase to you and we retain the boards.
  2. Although this has never happened so far, we could find a problem so severe that it becomes impossible for us to do a proper repair. In this case, we can either return your circuit boards as they are, or refund the shipping portion of your initial repair purchase and we retain the boards. We would prefer to keep our perfect repair record if it is at all possible!

If you are purchasing parts or other items along with repair services, they will be shipped in the same box with the circuit boards when the repair services are complete. This is done to minimize shipping charges. If you would like the parts to be shipped to you separately, place them on a separate order.

KLM-244 (Tone Generator) Repair

The tone generator circuit board is the large one behind the keyboard, and is the only one that can be removed without soldering wires. To remove it, pull off the connectors, remove the screws holding it down to the baseplate, and you should be able to pull it free.

Begin by purchasing the Korg KLM-244 Circuit Board Repair Service. This gets your circuit board into our shop and then back to you when it is repaired. This includes the initial checkout and report, as well as final testing of any repairs. If you want both circuit boards (upper and lower manuals), order two.

DescriptionPart NumberAvailabilityUnit Price (USD)QuantityOrdering
Korg KLM-244 Circuit Board Repair Service07-0100010010 day lead time$26.25

After we receive your circuit board and perform the initial evaluation, you’ll receive an estimate for any additional services needed for repair. In most cases, the estimate will be one or more of the additional services listed here; otherwise, it will be a fixed cost for parts and labor. We work hard to catch every problem in the estimate, and we are successful in the vast majority of cases. Due to the complex nature of the circuitry in the organ, there may be other problems hiding behind what we found in the initial estimate.

KLM-245 (Control / Mixer)

The control / mixer circuit board is mounted on the underside of the drawbar assembly and contains the tact switches and control potentiometers. To remove it, unmount the entire assembly containing the drawbars (this varies by organ model). There are 5 or 6 wires directly soldered to pads on the circuit board which must be desoldered. Carefully document where these wires go when you replace the circuit board later. Unplug the connectors and remove the mounting screws.

Begin by purchasing the Korg KLM-245 Circuit Board Repair Service. This gets your circuit board into our shop and then back to you when it is repaired. This includes the initial checkout and report, as well as final testing of any repairs. If you want both circuit boards (upper and lower manuals), order two.

DescriptionPart NumberAvailabilityUnit Price (USD)QuantityOrdering
Korg KLM-245 Circuit Board Repair Service07-0100240010 day lead time$35.00

After we receive your circuit board and perform the initial evaluation, you’ll receive an estimate for any additional services needed for repair. In most cases, the estimate will be one or more of the additional services listed here; otherwise, it will be a fixed cost for parts and labor. We work hard to catch every problem in the estimate, and we are successful in the vast majority of cases. Due to the complex nature of the circuitry in the organ, there may be other problems hiding behind what we found in the initial estimate.

KLM-246 (Power Supply / Rotary Effect)

The power supply / rotary effect circuit board is mounted on the bottom plate of the organ on the left side near the back. To remove it, unmount the entire assembly containing the drawbars (this varies by organ model). There are several wires directly soldered to eyelets on the component side circuit board which must be desoldered. Carefully document where these wires go when you replace the circuit board later. Unplug the connectors and remove the mounting screws.

Begin by purchasing the Korg KLM-246 Circuit Board Repair Service. This gets your circuit board into our shop and then back to you when it is repaired. This includes the initial checkout and report, as well as final testing of any repairs.

DescriptionPart NumberAvailabilityUnit Price (USD)Ordering
Korg KLM-246 Circuit Board Repair Service07-0100270010 day lead time$35.00

After we receive your circuit board and perform the initial evaluation, you’ll receive an estimate for any additional services needed for repair. In most cases, the estimate will be one or more of the additional services listed here; otherwise, it will be a fixed cost for parts and labor. We work hard to catch every problem in the estimate, and we are successful in the vast majority of cases. Due to the complex nature of the circuitry in the organ, there may be other problems hiding behind what we found in the initial estimate.

KLM-308 (Chorus/Vibrato)

The chorus/vibrato circuit board is mounted on the center of back plate of the organ. To remove it, pull off the connectors, remove the screws holding it down to the baseplate, and you should be able to pull it free.

Begin by purchasing the Korg KLM-308 Circuit Board Repair Service. This gets your circuit board into our shop and then back to you when it is repaired. This includes the initial checkout and report, as well as final testing of any repairs.

DescriptionPart NumberAvailabilityUnit Price (USD)Ordering
Korg KLM-308 Circuit Board Repair Service07-0100290010 day lead time$26.25

After we receive your circuit board and perform the initial evaluation, you’ll receive an estimate for any additional services needed for repair. In most cases, the estimate will be one or more of the additional services listed here; otherwise, it will be a fixed cost for parts and labor. We work hard to catch every problem in the estimate, and we are successful in the vast majority of cases. Due to the complex nature of the circuitry in the organ, there may be other problems hiding behind what we found in the initial estimate.


At this time, there are no upgrades available for the BX-3 (we’re working on some!).


We have nearly every part needed to repair a BX-3. For components related to a circuit board, look under the circuit board’s heading on this page. The following lists mostly mechanical parts for the BX-3. Click the icon for important information if it is present for an item.

DescriptionPart NumberAvailabilityUnit Price (USD)QuantityOrdering
IC, Siemens SM304A Keyboard Encoder, PDIP-40 (New Old Stock)39-000030411 in stock, more in 30 days$125.00
IC, Siemens SM304A Keyboard Encoder, PDIP-40 (Pulled)39-001030413 in stock$75.00
IC, Siemens SM305A3 Organ Tone Generator, PDIP-40 (New Old Stock)39-00003051In stock$75.00
IC, Siemens SM305B Organ Tone Generator, PDIP-40 (New Old Stock)39-00003052In stock$90.00
IC, Panasonic MN3101 Clock Generator for MN3000 Series BBD, PDIP-8 (New Old Stock)39-010031011 in stock$15.00
Electrolytic Capacitor Kit, Korg KLM-244 Circuit Board92-9000020010 day lead time$17.12
Electrolytic Capacitor Kit, Korg KLM-245 Circuit Board92-9000030110 day lead time$30.98
Electrolytic Capacitor Kit, Korg KLM-246 Circuit Board92-9000040110 day lead time$27.98
Tact Switch Kit, Korg KLM-245 Circuit Board 92-9000210010 day lead time$32.47
Korg 10ø Knob [ø10 X-1070] [62007400], Average60-01003544In stock$5.00
Korg 10ø Knob [ø10 X-1070] [62007400], Poor60-010035461 in stock$2.50
Korg 18ø Knob [ø18 KOC-E40019] [62007600], Average60-010034841 in stock$5.00
Korg 18ø Knob [ø18 KOC-E40019] [62007600], Below Average60-010034831 in stock$4.00
Korg 2SC945 Matched Pair, Average60-010036641 in stock$5.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Control Panel Mounting, Average60-010012642 in stock$2.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Control Panel Shield, Average60-010012541 in stock$2.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Frame [KOC-C30134] [64028600], Average60-010033041 in stock$15.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 1⅓' [62002300], Average60-010033441 in stock$8.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 1⅓' [62002300], Below Average60-010033451 in stock$6.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 1⅗' [62002200], Average60-010033341 in stock$8.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 16' [62002400], Below Average60-010033551 in stock$6.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 2' [62002700], Average60-010033841 in stock$8.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 2⅔' [62002100], Average60-010033241 in stock$8.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 4' [62002600], Average60-010033741 in stock$8.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 5⅓' [62002000], Average60-010033141 in stock$8.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 5⅓' [62002000], Below Average60-010033151 in stock$6.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 8' [62002500], Average60-010033641 in stock$8.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Knob, 8' [62002500], Below Average60-010033651 in stock$6.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Slide Potentiometer, 10k ohm [S401XKA10KC] [36502600], Average60-01003404In stock$15.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Drawbar Wiring Harness, Average60-010092041 in stock$10.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key Contact Panel, Average60-01003184In stock$15.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key Spring, Average60-01003104In stock$0.50
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key Stop (Rubber), Average60-01003114In stock$3.50
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key Stop (Rubber), Below Average60-01003115In stock$2.50
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Black, Average60-01003094In stock$10.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note A, Average60-010030642 in stock$15.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note A, Below Average60-010030655 in stock$10.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note B, Average60-010030744 in stock$15.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note B, Below Average60-010030755 in stock$10.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note C, Average60-010030143 in stock$15.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note C, Below Average60-010030155 in stock$10.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note C, Poor60-010030161 in stock$5.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note CC, Average60-010030841 in stock$20.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note D, Average60-010030242 in stock$15.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note D, Below Average60-010030255 in stock$10.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note E, Average60-010030342 in stock$15.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note E, Below Average60-010030355 in stock$10.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note F, Average60-010030443 in stock$15.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note F, Below Average60-010030455 in stock$10.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note G, Average60-010030544 in stock$15.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Key, Note G, Below Average60-010030555 in stock$10.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Lug Board [L-1205-6P], Average60-010015042 in stock$5.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Phone Jack with cutoff, Average60-010015741 in stock$7.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Phone Jack, Average60-010015642 in stock$6.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Rear Panel [KOC-C30133] [64047100], Average60-010012241 in stock$20.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Sealed Cover for KLM-244, Average60-010012441 in stock$4.00
Korg BX-3/CX-3 Volume Potentiometer with Switch [EVC-BO5P18B14], Average60-010015141 in stock$15.00
Korg Flat Washer, M3, Clear Plastic [21-20556000], Average60-01001784In stock$0.50
Korg Flat Washer, M4, Steel, Black Zinc [21-20560500], Average60-010017642 in stock$0.50
Korg Flat Washer, M5, Steel, Black Zinc [21-20570500], Average60-010017742 in stock$0.50
Korg KLM-244 B, Main Circuit Board with Sockets [34012804], Fully Restored, Average60-010090141 in stock$350.00
Korg KLM-245 Bass / Treble Potentiometer [EVH-LOAS20B15], Average60-010035842 in stock$10.00
Korg KLM-245 Overdrive Potentiometer [EVH-LOAS20B16], Average60-010035741 in stock$10.00
Korg KLM-245 Percussion Decay Potentiometer [EVH-LOAS20A55], Average60-010035941 in stock$10.00
Korg KLM-245 Percussion Volume Potentiometer [EVH-LOAS20A14], Average60-010036041 in stock$10.00
Korg KLM-245 Tune Potentiometer [EVH-LOAS20B14], Average60-010035641 in stock$10.00
Korg KLM-246 C, R.E. Circuit Board [34013003], Fully Restored, Average60-010090842 in stock$125.00
Korg KORG Mark (Small), Below Average60-010011051 in stock$5.00
Korg Lever Switch Mask [X-0600] [550000100], Average60-010035546 in stock$1.00
Korg Machine Screw, Pan Head Crimped Washer, Phillips, M3, 6mm, Steel, Black Zinc [21-7155050], Average60-010018041 in stock$1.50
Korg Machine Screw, Pan Head Washer, Phillips, M3, 20mm, Steel, Black Zinc [21-70550520], Average60-010017246 in stock$2.00
Korg Machine Screw, Pan Head Washer, Phillips, M3, 20mm, Steel, Black Zinc [21-70550520], Below Average60-010017251 in stock$1.50
Korg Machine Screw, Pan Head Washer, Phillips, M3, 20mm, Steel, Black Zinc [21-70550520], Very Good60-010017231 in stock$2.50
Korg Machine Screw, Pan Head Washer, Phillips, M5, 30mm, Steel, Black Zinc [21-70570530], Average60-010017445 in stock$3.00
Korg Machine Screw, Pan Head, Phillips, M4, 30mm, Steel, Black Zinc [21-01560530], Below Average60-010017151 in stock$1.50
Korg Machine Screw, Pan Head, Phillips, M4, 30mm, Steel, Black Zinc [21-01560530], Very Good60-010017131 in stock$2.50
Korg Machine Screw, Pan Head, Phillips, M4, 8mm, Steel, Black Zinc [21-01560508], Very Good60-010017031 in stock$2.00
Korg NH Header, Bottom Entry 10 Pin [24-90301000], Average60-010036541 in stock$2.50
Korg NH Header, Bottom Entry 3 Pin [24-90300300], Average60-010036141 in stock$2.00
Korg NH Header, Bottom Entry 4 Pin [24-90300400], Average60-010036241 in stock$2.00
Korg NH Header, Bottom Entry 7 Pin [24-90300700], Average60-010036341 in stock$2.00
Korg NH Header, Bottom Entry 9 Pin [24-90300900], Average60-010036441 in stock$2.50
Korg Tact Switch Hinged Bracket no LED, Average60-010034944 in stock$5.00
Korg Tact Switch Hinged Bracket with LED, Average60-01003504In stock$7.50
Korg Tact Switch Knob, Dark Brown [DIC 504] [62001900], Average60-01003514In stock$5.00
Korg Tact Switch Knob, Ivory [DIC 547] [62002900], Above Average60-010035234 in stock$7.50
Korg Tact Switch Knob, Ivory [DIC 547] [62002900], Average60-010035242 in stock$5.00
Korg Tact Switch Mask [KOC-F40152] [55002800], Average60-010035344 in stock$2.00
Korg Thread-cutting Sheet Metal Screw, Pan Head, Phillips, M3, 6mm, Steel, Black Zinc [21-69550506], Average60-010017542 in stock$1.00
Thread-cutting Sheet Metal Screw, Pan Head, Phillips, M3, 10mm, Steel, Zinc Alloy21-69550410In stock$0.25
Machine Screw, Pan Head Crimped Washer, Phillips, M3, 6mm, Steel, Zinc Alloy21-71550406In stock$0.35


We recently had a customer post a detailed step-by-step procedure for replacing keys in a Korg BX-3:

DYI Resources

We put a lot of time into creating, gathering, and organizing the information in this page. If you found any of this to be useful to you, especially if it helped you to make or save money, please  to help us continue making content like this available.

Visit our Korg BX-3/CX-3 Gen 1 Troubleshooting page if you would like to take a crack at repairing your BX-3.

Parts Sources

  • – An authorized Korg parts distributor.
  • CAE Sound - They may have some mechanical parts from time to time.


IC Datasheets

Theory of Operation

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